Lots of x-rated funny animal stories and pinups, including "Milk Run" by Sutton, Howell and Moore, "Slick Chicks" by same, and Lane, Clark and Brock's "Collars and Cuffs" in "Doggy Style."
Three hot and humorous anthropomorphic fables: 'Welcome Freshmen' by Daria McGrain, 'Student Drivers' by James M. Hardiman, and 'Peaches and Cream: Midnight Milkshake' by Michael Vega. Absolutely adults only!
With 'A Visit from Slimy' byy Eric W. Schwartz, 'Draconian Measures' by Roy D. Pounds II, 'The Imaginary Honeymoon' by Kjartan Arnorsson, lots more x-rated funny animal antics.
Lots of x-rated anthropomorphics this issue, including 'It's All in the Wrist' by The Brothers Grinn, 'Political Intercourse' by Roy D. Pounds II, plenty more. Includes an episode starring Arnorsson's 'Mink.'
Howlin' cover by Monty. Inside, Arnorsson's The Mink finds "Sanctuary." Plus, "Girl in a Bottle" by Kurt Wilcken, "A Matter of Taste" by Roy D. Pounds II, more sex-rated anthropomorphic fun.
Humorous and x-rated funny animal follies include 'Life at Double Shots Part 2' by Dutch, 'Piggy's Pleasure Pen' by T. Grimmer. Also, Arnorsson's 'Readers' Poll Results,' letters to Genus and more.
A big helping of x-rated anthropomorphic romps this issue, including "Life at Double Shots Part 1" by Dutch, "The Dragoness in Amber" by Roy D. Pounds II, "Piggy's Pleasure Pen" by T. Grimmer, "Mars Needs Mares" by Kjartan Arnorsson and lots more.
Letters from Venus features "Life on Mars." Plus several short gallery shots of saints and martyrs, and lots o' male nudity in "The Fabulous Ones." Don't miss it.
"By Jaime Hernandez. A masterpiece of absurdity, surrealism and gripping graphic narrative, woven around characters from <em> Love & Rockets </em> as well as <em> Birdland </em> and others new to this series.