Rip Off News

New Postage Rates for 2018
As has become standard, the USPS has posted new, higher shipping rates for the new year. In order to keep from going broke, Rip Off Press is forced to follow suit.
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The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers Series
Gilbert Shelton's Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers made their first comic book appearance in 1968, in the pages of Feds 'n' Heads, published by Print Mint.
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From the archive: Getting Down to Grass Roots
In this classic story by Gilbert Shelton and Dave Sheridan, which originally ran in dozens of college and alternative papers through the Rip Off Comics Syndicate, the Hirsute Trio comes into some unexpected cash. Tired of fighting landlords and paying rent, they decide to buy their own place in the country.
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From the archive: Jack Jackson
Jaxon, as he usually signed his underground comix, grew up in Pandora, Texas under conditions rural in the extreme.
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From the archive: Greg Irons
Born in Philadelphia, PA on September 27th, 1947, Greg grew up loving to draw but without any formal art training other than a few courses in high school. It's possible he spent time drawing when he should have been doing other things: he ended up having to repeat the 10th grade at a military academy where, as he put it, he learned what he didn't want to do.
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From the archive: The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers in "The Idiots Abroad"
Read more...."One of the 100 Best Comics of the 20th Century"

From the archive: R. L. Crabb
Otherwise known as "Crabman," R. L. Crabb grew up in the California foothills where he still makes his home. Many of his comix have featured the wildlife of the region. He did Junior Jackalope (which became Tales of the Jackalope for Blackthorne Press) for some years, and The Natural Enquirer for Fantagraphics.
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